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Craving Community | A Bible Study on Friendship

A friend is a friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity. 

Proverbs 17:17

Have you struggled to make friends? Or keep them? Whatever your experience has been, we were all designed for community. We all want to feel connected.Thankfully, God does not leave us on our own to figure out the ins and outs of friendship!

Craving Community is a four-week study that will: 

* Help you to fix your gaze on Jesus who gives us friendship with God.

* Show you the attributes of a godly friend.

* Equip you to navigate difficulties in friendship.

* Encourage you to pursue godly friendship even when it’s hard.


Special resources within study:

* Study Suggestions

* Weekly Reflections

* Friendship Spotlights from Scripture

* Suggestions for Making Friends

* Questions to Help You Go Deeper with Your Friends


Key themes: Friendship, Community, Fellowship


* This study is perfect for individuals or groups.

* Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions, and weekly reflection questions.

* Measures 8X10

* Includes 75 pages


Craving Community | A Bible Study on Friendship

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